Worldbuilding 101: What is Worldbuilding?

Blue Sea Under Blue Sky


If you're a writer, then you've probably seen this word floating the writing communities by now. If you don't know what it means, don't sweat it. This is a basic introduction.

The Definition of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilidng, is, in essence, the act of building a fictional world.

As Merriam-Webster says:

Today, world-building is most often used to describe a component of a work of fiction, much like plot or character; unlike the word settingworld-building emphasizes that the world being created is entirely new. For this reason, it's typically associated with fantasy and science fiction...
 Good worldbuilding enhances the plot, and helps to add dimension to the setting and characters, pulling readers into the story even more completely.

Worldbuilding encompasses the histories, cultures, species, politics, and ecosystems of a world. Whether or not specific elements are included, and how/why they work the way that they do, is a part of worldbuilding.

In the end, how you choose to build your world defines it.
