1. My NKJV Bible

(I got the picture off of Christian Book Distributors, but I bought mine at Ollie's.)
2. My Pet Gerbil
I don't actually have any good pictures of my gerbil, but I put this one up for reference. Even though mine is black and white, and not this specific coloring.
3. Writing

I journal, write stories long and short, and even like to compose poetry from time to time. PLus I blog. I have way too many ideas and not enough paper.
4. Reading

I read novels, series of books, graphic novels, comics, and pretty much anything I can get my hands on that is vaguely interesting.
5. Friends
Friends are one of the things that make life worth living. Without friends, the world would be far less pleasant.
6. Cats

I am definitely a cat person. I love cats, and what I really like is when the cats like me back. Especially the kind that enjoys sitting in a lap a being petted.
7. Chocolate

Chocolate is amazing. It's my favorite flavor, especially the dark kind. Sometimes, I like to see how much chocolate I possibly fit into an ice cream sundae.
I'm tagging Allie at Rainy Days and Stardust Veins
Rules of the Tag
- List the 7 rules. ✔
- Link back to and thank the person who tagged you. ✔
- Link back to and thank the blogger who started the tag. ✔
- Use the above (↑) picture at Beth's request. ✔
- List and picture 7 of your favorite things. ✔
- Tag 7 people or as many as possible. ✔
- Have fun. ✔
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