Handbook for Dragon Slayers was written by Merrie Haskell. It's about a named Mathilda who is the princess of a small keep. Her and two friends end up going on an adventure after her mother is taken hostage by her cousin, who seeks to rule her keep. They encounter multiple obstacles that are strange, and some magical in nature.
What I Liked
- The use of mythology in regards to The Sworn Book of Hekate. It clearly incorporates Greek elements while still holding a European feel to it.
- The ending view of dragons as animals, and not inherently evil.
- That Mathilda wants to become a writer.
- The cover art is really good on the copy I have. (Pictured above.)
What I Didn't Like
- The original bias against dragons.
- The twist with the Wild Hunt towards the end.
- Ivo. I don't like him.
- Egin. He's also a jerk.
I liked it a lot.
Middle school and up.
Content Warning
Two characters are wounded by dragons. Descriptions are not graphic.
Egin enchants young ladies to fall in love with him, then marries and murders them.
Mathilda's female friend kisses her to turn her back into a huma after having been transformed into a dragon. There is an explanation a little later in the story explaining that it worked because it was the love of friendship, and was combined with a kiss from the guy she was in love with.
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