Blog Tag: End of Summer Essay

 Book, Essay, Service


  1. Describe your ideal summer day.
  2. What is the best way to celebrate the end of summer?
  3. What is your favorite summer memory?
  4. How did you spend most of your summer?
  5. How did you spend the 4th of July?
  6. What did you do on the first day of summer?
  7. What are the best summer activities where you live?
  8. If you could spend a summer anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
  9. What is your favorite summer holiday?
  10. What is your favorite summer treat?

My Answers

  1. Just warm enough to heat up the stones in the patio without being so hot it's uncomfortable. But it's hot enough to make lemonade and chill in the shade with a book and maybe go swimming later.
  2. Going swimming with friends and eating junk food together. Specifically, brownies in ice cream and lemonade. 
  3. Camping out in a friend's treehouse overnight. We got to play in the woods and eat Poptarts for breakfast.
  4. Reading, swimming, hanging out with friends. But mostly reading.
  5. Sometimes we go to the parade, and we always have a cookout.
  6. I worked on on a project that is kind of a part of It's a Fourth Wall Thing. It's more or less a database for all my notes on how the American Agency for Superhumans works.
  7. Swimming, hiking, kayaking, fishing, lots of outdoor things.
  8. Brazil. I would love to see the Amazon jungle and river face to face, maybe even visit Manaus. Or go to Rio and see the Christ the Redeemer statue.
  9. I don't really have a favorite summer holiday. We pretty much have the Fourth of July and that's it. Though I do love the summer reading program that the library has. 
  10. Lemonade. And coconut ice cream.


Syberyah at aTaGirl

Rules of the Tag

  • Link back to the creator of the tag.
  • Link back to the blogger who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Tag 1-5 people.
