September Update, 2020


This month I worked on outlining Eyes of Hekate, and started the first short story for The Giantslayer. I also wrote down and partially developed Familiar. 

This month I am going to work more on Eyes of Hekate, drafting it out, and adding to the outline as I write. I have the prologue outlined and written, so now I have to finish the first chapter and then go from there. I'm excited to see how this story turns out, since it has some elements that I really like so far.

I started doing a sort story collection, which is something I've never really done successfully. It tried doing on in NaNoWriMo 2019, but I had a lot of unfinished parts that I never went back to. Right no I'm working on the origin story, how The Giantslayer got her name. I feel like it's coming along really well so far. I've been writing it out by hand and transcribing that into the document on my computer. I will want to do some editing once it's done, but I think I'll wait for any major work until I finish some more stories.

The concept for Familiar is, I think, pretty unique, and I'm excited to see what I can do with it. I'm thinking about making it a graphic novel, but right now I don't have the means to do that. For now I'll work on the worldbuilding and characters some more, since it's supposed to be a more character-driven story than I am used to writing.

My plan as of now is to work on drafting Eyes of Hekate and The Giantslayer this month, and in October switch over to It's a Fourth Wall Thing, and try to pick it up where I left off. Then, for NaNoWriMo, I want to either do Familiar or another idea that's been brewing since camp.

Oh, and just for kicks, here's a random fact:

Peanuts are legumes. 

If you want to fact check me (or just read more of these), head over here. 100 Interesting and Fun Facts About Practically Everything

See you guys around!
