NaNoWriMo 2020, Update 2

It's finally the end of the second week. I survived.

I lost my advantage, but I hope to make it up. A new week, a new start. Or something like that. Right now I'm spending a lot of time in my room since people are far less likely to bother me here, and I have a desk! I real honest to goodness desk! I used to have a corner table, but it feels so much more official with this desk. I love it.

Anyway, I managed to get my word count up to 23,339, but I lost my chance at the Achieve Pat Every Day Badge... But the important thing is that I'm still going strong (mostly). I finished writing the first part of the story and have started on the second part, so we're past the beginning and into the middle! Woohoo! 

My favorite part from the past week was a half fight half chase scene I was writing with an atmokinetic. To be honest, I just like putting atmokinetics in my stories for the dramatic weather. 

Before I go, one last thing:

Did you know that cantikinesis is the word for the power that is the manipulation of songs? "Canti" is Latin for "song," and "-kinesis" is the standard ending for the words that are powers that are manipulative. For example, pyrokinesis is fire manipulation.

Good luck to all you other WriMos out there! You got this!
