NaNoWriMo, 2020 Update 3


Somehow I managed to get through the past week. It was hard. I managed to hit the goal for the end of the week, but I also got stuck on my novel. I may have to finish it after November, sadly.

I've gotten into the middle part of the story, but it's turning out a whole lot more difficult than I imagined it would be to write. I'm starting to wonder if certain details will need to be altered to fit the story better than what I had in mind. I have to say that I am mildly jealous of writers who manage to outline everything, because I usually have a beginning and an end figured out, but the middle... is a little more vague and open to changes. I don't spend so much time on the actual plot as I do the concept, and in some ways, that's coming back to bite me.

While writing has been difficult as of late, I have had some pretty good lines this week. My inner snarky narrator has come out. 

My favorite scene that I wrote this past week would be when Oliver made Finley go to bed. I found it rather humorous, since he literally picked her up and carried her off to her room.

Anyway, I hope that all you fellow wrimos have a good run for the rest of the month and I'll be backon the 28th!


  1. You probably are on a better track than me. It's two more days of NaNo, and I am struggling. I have to write 10k words today, and then another 10k tomorrow. I do have school tomorrow, so that will be a bit of a struggle to get things done, but I still have hope. I have this different mindset than I did last year. Last year, I was this behind on the last few days on NaNo, and then I kind of got discouraged and stopped. This year though, I managed to write a whole heck of a lot, and am trying to get the final 20ishk words done.


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