Book Review: Sidekicks



Bright Boy is a sidekick to the only superhero left in town, Phantom Justice. Being a sidekick is a much more difficult job than most people assume. Not only is his job to (sort of) save the world, but he also has to deal with his superhero- who, as it turns out, might not be hero everyone thinks he is.

What I Liked

  • Bright Boy is his own character and was thought-out very well. He's a teen boy, through and through.
  • The supporting characters were all important and interesting in their own ways.
  • There was a conspiracy and unexpected plot twists.

What I Didn't Like

  • Once Bright Boy met the female main lead, it felt like a superhero-ed version of Romeo and Juliet.
  • The way their love is approached is a little strong for my taste. They're still in middle school, but it feels like they're so in love they could get married. I prefer slower romances with older characters.
  • Bright Boy making up with his love interest at the end was a little too abrupt. It threw me off.


It's a good book, with a good premise, but the romance takes center stage. As it is a young romance, with young teens enamored with each other, I have a hard time believing that they'll be together forever in the end simply because of the way life is in the real world. It's a bit (pardon the pun) romanticized.


Middle school and up.

Content Warnings

Mild profanties.
Referring to Bright Boy's tight clothing in certain locations.
Calling Bright Boy a "perv" or "pervert" because of said tight clothing.
Murder and attempted murder.
Drugging without consent.
Talking about murdering children.
General nastiness from a parental figure.


