Types of Writers

Business, Desk, Document, Hand, Learning
I am starting to realize just how many different types of writers there are. So I decided to share my thoughts on the subject.

The Hamster

These writers just write and write and write. They're always writing something, whether that's a fanfiction for their favorite fandom, or a 100,000 word novel. As soon as they finish one project, they move on to the next. They never stop.

The Wolf

They may have trouble actually getting their WIP (work in progress) done, but they keep going, pacing themselves, and don't quit. Sure, they may take breaks, but you can bet that they will finish eventually, even if it's just to spite everyone who thought they couldn't.

The Squirrel

Squirrels start lots of projects but never really finish any. It's like they have a hoard of excepts, notes, and character sketches that never get used in the end.

The Cheetah

These writers don't write a lot, but when they do, they end up sitting down and writing 15,000 words in one sitting.

The Parrot

Parrots are the people who write very little, but talk about it a lot. It's their favorite thing to discuss, even if they do barely any writing.

The Alligator

Is it a coincidence that the alligator rhymes with procrastinator? No, it is not. Alligators are the writers who really do want to get that first draft done...but YouTube, Pinterest, or forums are calling their name, and you know, that cake recipe looks so good...

So those are my thoughts on different types of writers. Which one are you?


  1. This was a super fun post ;D I think I'd probably be the Wolf.

  2. I'm a Wolf Squirrel Hamster. xD This post was a lot of fun ^-^
    - Maple

  3. I'm a wolf-squirrel. XD And occasionally I develop cheetah spots or shapeshift into a hamster, lol.

    1. I wanna shove that hamster up my asshole. It would tingle my bingles. Tell me when u got that sexy motherfucker so I can shove it up there.
      Sincerely, Miranda Marie

  4. I relate to the wolf on a surreal level. XD

    1. I have a big wolf in my pants if u wanna see it hit me up.

  5. I am a squirrel who is gradually turning into a hamster.

  6. I started out as a parrot, evolved into a squirrel, and am now a wolf (in the meantime an alligator though :/)


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