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Syberyah over at atTAGirl (The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag) tagged me, and Christine from Fairy Dust on My Pen created the tag (Fairy Dust on My Pen MCU Tag).
How were you introduced to the MCU fandom?
I was always into superheroes, especially Marvel. I saw my first MCU movie a couple of years back. It was Ant-Man and the Wasp. I'd never gotten into the movies before that, so it was a little confusing, but I loved it anyway. I ended up watching some of the other movies later.
What's Your Favorite Marvel Film?
I would normally say Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but that's not in the MCU, so I'll go with...Ant-Man. I liked watching his origin story a lot. The First Avenger was also really good.
Top Favorite Marvel Character?
Gwenpool, hands down. I'm sorry, but no one in the MCU has displayed such epic character development. For those of you who don't know who she is, she's Gwen Poole, from the real world, a comic nerd who got sucked into a comic reality and ends up going on crazy adventures. Just for reference, here's one of her covers.

If You Were Transported Into the MCU and Had to Trade Places With One of the Superheroes, Who Would You Choose?
Definitely not Spider-Man. He get's into way too much trouble. Hawkeye. I'm 99% sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. gives him health care coverage. And he gets paid for superhero work.
What Are Some of Your Favorite Quotes From the Films?
You tried to hide your suit from me, now it's gonna blow up in your face and destroy everyone you care about.
Out of context, this is really, really funny.
Which Crew Would You Most Want To Be a Part of? Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Revengers?
The Avengers had a civil war (twice in the comics), so no. Um, I don't know much about the Revengers... Guardians of the Galaxy were in jail originally. Though I think I'd pick the Avengers even though I'd prefer the mutants, because those are the options.
Favorite and Least Favorite Ship?
Favorite would be Peter and Gwen. But there is no Gwen in the MCU (yet)...Hm...Tony and Pepper would have to be it.
Least favorite...anything shipping Steve. He's supposed to stay "tragically" single in my mind.
Favorite and Least Favorite Villain?
Mysterio is my favorite. All that cool tech, and the effects...just wow.
My least favorite would have to be Ghost. She's cool and all, but she just doesn't impress me as much as the other characters. Of course, I'm counting I'm only the villains I've seen so far.
Unpopular MCU Opinion?
The ladies should tie their hair back. Long hair is cool and all, but it's no good loose.
What's Your Favorite Stan Lee Cameo Scene?
The one from Big Hero 6. Which, again, isn't technically an MCU film, but Stan Lee was in it.
Person(s) I'm Tagging
The Rules of the Tag
- You can include the original graphic, but it's not required. ✔️
- Answer the questions. ✔️
- Tag up to 5 other MCU fans.
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