March Update, 2021

As it turns out, writing is harder when you have a full load of credits for the semester. College sucked a lot of time out of my schedule. Everything takes longer than expected, assignments get lost, and to do lists mysteriously lack items due that day. College is a handful.

But I refuse to be a person who just drops writing during college because they're too busy. If I could find time to write during high school, then I can find time to write during college. I think it really comes down to prioritizing writing over more meaningless passtimes. (Like browsing cat photos.)

I did write some things that I really love, but overall, February was not a very productive month for me. This is why time management skills are useful and I need to practice them more. In short, I did not do everything I had planned, although I did finish a short story.

As for this month, I want to dive back into editing with more vigor and try to do a consistent daily writing goal in addition to that. Hopefully that can get me back into the groove some more now that I have college more or less under control.

The projects that I want to work on are IaFWT (editing), WoN (drafting and planning), and at least one more short story. I also want to organize my poetry and maybe try to do something with an old project I'd like to rewrite sometime soon.
