Camp NaNo is now over. I made more than one goal for the month, three, to be exact. I didn't achieve them all, but I did do a lot. I am happy with the fact that I made significant progress, even if it doesn't feel that way. Progress is still progress.
My first goal was to draft 25,000 words. I didn't meet this expectation. Why? Because I had other, more important goals to complete in order to meet a long-term plan. The long-term plan had to take precedence over short-term desires. Drafting the 25,000 words, while fun and easy to see progress on, wasn't going to help me get to where I want to be by the end of the year. So I had to stop drafting at a grand total of 11,314. I did, however, write down some worldbuilding and got around 1,000 words from just that. I also ended up with a new plot bunny, but that's confidential for now.
My second goal was to finish the second draft of IaFWT. I didn't achieve this, either. The primary reason for this was that I had no idea how to edit a first draft. They don't teach this in high school, so I was going into structural edits pretty blindly. Since then I have learned more about how to do editing. I ended up talking to someone who knew what they were doing (and has published a few books). I now have a real plan to finish editing on IaFWT and (hopefully) the time to do it this month. My current end goal with IaFWT is to release it in August of 2022, but life has a way of throwing lemons at me. Usually at my face.
Now for the third goal. This one I did achieve. I've been wanting to move from Blogger/Blogspot for a while now and have a more professional site that I could upgrade in the future to be a fully fledged author site. So I moved to Weebly. I know that a lot of people prefer to use WordPress or Wix, but I decided that for my goals as an author, and for what I want to do, Weebly is the best fit. Unfortunately, Weebly doesn't let you import a blog like WordPress does, so I had to transfer all of my content manually. But I am pretty happy with the result. As of now, I won't be taking the Blogger/Blogspot site down, but I will make sure that it's clearly marked as "archived" since there is, as far as I know, no archiving option for sites through Blogger/Blogspot. I'll also leave the links to both sites here.
New site:
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